
KagomeXinuyasha touch as light as air

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Kagome marched straight up to koga and to everyone's surprise, pulled his face down and pushed her lips onto his. The wolf made a small noise in surprise before relaxing into the pose, wrapping his muscular arms about the girl's waist. 'Looks like kagome's finally come to realize how much she loves me, huh?'  Koga thought smugly.  Kagome was actually starting to enjoy the kiss; that is until koga's tongue darted into her mouth.
"Nghh!!!" she pushed away abruptly, panting slightly. The look of surprise, and confusion covered the wolf demons face along with a dark red blush spreading to his ears. 'Huh….? What just… happened..? .'  The man thought. His mouth was moving, but he wasn't forming any words.
"Kagome! What on earth…." Sango gasped.
"i-i…" kagome began; backing away slowly, while her team members and the wolves stared at her with puzzlement.
She felt like she was going to cry, she had such conflicting emotions right now that overcame her very quickly. But she held in her tears, pushing them back, and swallowing her fear. "i-I'm sorry….im sorry..i-i c-can't.." she blurted out, before turning tail and sprinting into the forest behind her.

She didn't want anyone to follow her, or question her; she just needed to be alone right now, and was quite relieved when she didn't hear the sound of koga's whirlwind, or inuyasha's feet in the grass.  The event that just happened, kept replaying in her head, the musky smell of kogas fur, the feel of his lips against hers.  The look on inuyasha's face, when they made eye contact for that split second…he didn't look angry, just sad. He looked as though he would cry; it was a face that you think you'd never see on the half demon in a million years.  And it was that face that made kagome's heart break in half.

She ran for what seemed like hours, well at least until the sun was beginning to set, and her legs were aching; threatening to give out. She had not slown her pace from the time she started to run, and without warning collapsed on the ground.  She panted for breath, her chest heaving up and down.  As she lay there, a soft cool wind caressed her face, and gently brushed the tops of the trees she was staring up at. In the distance the sky was full of bright oranges, and reds, and pinks, as if fire had just been slathered across the clouds. Slowly she flopped onto her side, reaching her hands up towards her face, rubbing her cheek absent mindedly.  Only now did she let the tears roll down from her eyes that had been waiting patiently to come down. She cried about kissing Koga when she didn't like him like that, she cried over running away, but most of all she cried over Inuyasha.  Hours before the event with the wolf happened, Kagome had seen Kikyo and Inuyasha together. The two were embracing deeply and whispering soft things into each other's ears.  Kagome hadn't thought Inuyasha had seen her and began to walk away slowly, holding in tears. She returned to the others, around a small campfire, helping with lunch silently. Returning shortly after her was none other than the dog demon.  He would stare for long periods of time at Kagome, and wouldn't look away when she made eye contact with him. Something about the guilt in his face, made her come to the conclusion, he had seen her.

This made the girl most of all angry, and jealous. She'd never admit it to herself but she loved Inuyasha more than anything, and deep down hoped he'd love her like that back. She wanted him to feel how she felt when she saw him and Kikyo together. She wanted him to get a taste of his own medicine, and Kagome had known just what to do. Although…she didn't realize how much it was going to her hurt as well as Inuyasha.  Many thoughts were racing through her head as she took Koga's face into her hands, most of them not very pleasant. The girl in the end just wanted Inuyasha to know how it feels…when you see the one you love with another. It wasn't right, and she wasn't thinking straight, if she had been she would have never done anything that rash. But that was the final straw. She had finally broken and needed some kind of relief from the pain; the irony being this only brought on more despair and grief.
"Inuyasha….i-i-'m so sorry!!!" she cried out, now sobbing on the ground. Somewhere in her mind, she knew he wouldn't come looking for her. Not anymore at least. Inuyasha would have taken that as a sign that she had chosen the young leader of the wolf demon tribe over him. And yet…why was she feeling so guilty! Suddenly Kagome sat up and wiped the tears away, her fist shaking in anger. Inuyasha always went for Kikyo first; he had kissed her countless times, and always was so passionate towards her. So why, why when I kissed koga for the first time do I feel this guilty…why am i letting Inuyasha make me feel like this! He has no right to-TO say ANYTHING about this matter!!!!!' the salty tears where coming back out of frustration rather than sadness this time. She took a deep breath and tried to chill out, she was getting so angry, and it wasn't like her.
Softly she rose to her feet, and wandered a little bit through the trees, the light was disappearing from the sky as the sun slowly descended further under the mountains. It would be dark soon, and she couldn't possibly find her way back now, she didn't even know how far she had run. The raven haired girl walked on, slowly yet purposefully until she reached a small cliff overlooking a valley. The sun dimly shining ahead, few colors now streaked the rapidly blackening sky. With a sigh the girl plopped down, smoothing her skirt onto her legs. It was torn and ripped, with dirt all over it. That's what I get for laying on the ground.. She grumbled.  Kagome was getting tired, but she refused to sleep, she wouldn't. She would only dream of him. His silver hair waving in the breeze, the comforting smell that surrounded him, his stunning gold eyes, that would always watch over her and protect her. NO! She refused to think of him now. He could never love her as he loves Kikyo, and she knew that. It was a stupid wish that would never come true.

"You better find her Inuyasha! The suns almost completely set!!" Shippo screamed into the dog demons ears.  
"SHUDDAP!"  The half demon yelled back just as loudly before swiftly pulling the young fox off his shirt and onto the ground.  He stood up and walked a few paces away from the group and sat with his back to everyone.
"Stupid Inuyasha…."Shippo mumbled under his breath, huffing on the ground.
Sango pushed a hand through her hair before turning to Miroku. "I just, I just don't understand…" she said faintly.
"Hmm?" the monk looked at her, inquiring for an explanation.
"Well…Kagome doesn't like Koga in that way, so why. Why did she kiss him, and in front of Inuyasha."
"I couldn't tell you… Because sadly I have no idea myself."
"Well it sure made Inuyasha quite glum. He hasn't said more than a word since Kagome ran off. He didn't even go after her!!"
"Yes, and it didn't help with koga bragging to him after Kagome left.."
"No not at all, and now Inuyasha won't even listen to us!" Shippo chimed in. "It's not fair, Kagome could be in danger!!!!How can he be so selfish!!" he whined.
"I agree. Especially because he's always coming onto lady Kikyo..." Miroku sighed.
"If I had a say, I'd think he'd gotten a taste of his own medicine. "Sango declared.
"And he realized it doesn't taste so sweet…." The young demon added, sticking his tongue out in Inuyasha direction.
"But…Miroku, what about Kagome? You think we should go look for her. It's not the safest thing..Her wandering around a dark forest. Look she left her bow and arrows too!!!" The slayer inquired.
"I too am worried for Kagome's sake, but I think it best if Inuyasha would be the one to find her. They are going to need some time alone after what just happened."
The other two shook their heads in agreement.
The half demon sat restless in his spot away from the group.  Why had Kagome done that! She promised him, nothing was going on between her and Koga. Although…Koga did look just as surprised as he did when the kiss happened. Why'd that girl have to go and be like that! Why did she make him feel like this, this emotion he held had never been as strong as it was now.  Yeah sure that scrawny wolf would hold her hands, and hug her, but this was a whole new level.  The silver haired man huffed a deep breath of bitterness, and crossed his arms tightly. Why was he even feeling this way, it's not like he loves Kagome or anything, yeah sure he likes her, strongly. But it was always Kikyo who he had given his heart too….why now, now of all times, was he having doubts of ever even caring for Kikyo in that way. He had never really opened up completely to anyone before Kagome came along…Kagome had always been there for him, she had never once doubted him or mistrusted him as Kikyo once did. And even when he implied he loved Kikyo more than her, she swallowed her sadness and still continued following him, and staying by his side…
Suddenly the half demon stood up, the sun was almost completely below the mountains. It was getting darker. He had to find Kagome and fast. Without a word or warning he ran off in the direction of her scent, where it was the strongest.
"I told you he would." The monk bragged triumphantly.
"I'm just happy he's going to make up with Kagome." Shippo smiled softly. The crackling fire relaxing their nerves even more.
Inuyasha jumped from tree to tree, still hot on Kagome's trail. 'Thank goodness her scent is so distinct.' He smiled to himself, before jumping onto the soft dirt ground below. His pace silently softened to a stop when he came across a patch of earth that had the most concentrated smell of her scent.  'She must have been here for a while.' "hmm.." he said running a hand over the cold earth.  "Kagome…" right at this moment it hit him, what should he say when he sees her. What is there to say…how will she react to him, will she be angry he came after her and not Koga? The half demon shook his head and pushed his hair back. No. he wouldn't think like that, she could be in danger; and he was going to find her before anything bad happened to her.  With that, the dog jumped to his feet, and took off again following the scent trail deeper into the growing dark of the woods.
The petite girl looked up at the now star sprinkled sky. At least it was a full moon that night, so it wasn't too dark out, but still, she was scared. She didn't like being all alone in the forest. Not knowing where her friends were. But most of all she was scared at why Inuyasha still hadn't come after her, now she wanted to be found, she wanted someone to tell her everything was going to be okay and she wasn't going to have to sit there anymore, alone… "No, I suppose that's my fault, for being such a dough head.." Kagome said out-loud to herself.

"Who said you were a dough head?"  Came a familiar voice from behind the girl.
Kagome's eyes widened in shock, she whipped her head around to see Inuyahsa standing there unsurely.
"y-you came after me?" she asked, smiling on the inside.
He sat down next to her, and let out a small breath "Yeah…I can tell by the shock on your face you were expecting that mangy wolf." The man wouldn't even make eye contact with her.
"Actually, i was just surprised that someone came after me, to be honest."
They sat in awkward silence for what seemed like hours; the air was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. Neither knew what to say to one another or where to begin.
"I'm so sorry inuya-"
"I really don't care if you chose that-"they both said at the same time, stopping abruptly when hearing the others words. "You go ahead first..." the half demon said shyly.
"Okay. I'm sorry! I don't know what I was thinking when I kissed Koga. I wasn't really in my right mind, but you know you've  kissed Kikyo before, and I just wanted you to feel jealous of me, but how could you when you have such a great person like Kikyo already! I mean you couldn't possibly get jealous of me like I do about you…and I feel so awful now because I don't like Koga that way and he's probably really confused, and ..and.." Kagome trailed off slowly as she saw the look in Inuyahsa face, as he leaned in closer to her own.
"So…you don't have feelings for Koga?" he asked softly.
"No. not at all. I promise.."  She said getting closer to him.
"Well, then I guess it would be a good time to say I made a mistake."
"What? What are you talking ab-"
Inuyasha suddenly silenced her by pushing his lips onto her own. Kagome immediately felt something different from when she and Koga collided, Inuyasha's kiss was warmer, and more welcoming. It sent off fireworks inside her heart.  He broke apart briefly to say something "I made a mistake in thinking I loved Kikyo more than I loved you. " Kagome was now bright red; she never thought she'd hear him say anything like that, EVER! And now that it had happened, she couldn't help herself. Playfully she climbed onto the half demon and kissed him passionately running her hands over his sculpted arms, the other returned the favor. Inhaling her sweet scent and caressing her soft face, with a touch as light as air.
DISCLAIMER: yeah preview image does not belong to me!!! it belongs to its respectful owner! i am not using it for an profit of any kind. thank you.

okay so this took a short wile, i wanted to write a lovey dovey thing, and i always thought...what would happen if one day kagome kissed koga to make inuyasha jealous. well here's what i think would happen XD


please read and enjoy ^^

© 2012 - 2024 kingdomheartslover10
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fillingupempty's avatar
I feel like this story could realistically have been in the actual plot, and saved us, the audience, a hundred or so episodes of pain and suffering, haha